surdough rising
red berry wholemeal crown bread
rainbow bread. spinach, cuttlefish ink, pumpkin, and plain wholemeal flour doughs are layered and worked together to make this bread. 
nuts bread
sesame seed wholemeal crown and big bread shot for Cucina Moderna 11/2014 issue cover
wholemeal bread with olive
Sara Papa is on air. channel 416 / SKY and channel 221 / Arturo
"Pane, Amore e Fantasia" her television program means bread,love and fancy
Sara has been voted best opinion leader 2016 by the audience of Italia a Tavola daily web mag
Sara Papa is a bread guru. Surdough and Petra flour are her materials. I admit I have just begun to make my own bread just after this shooting. At the moment I can only eat those slightly acid breads that are live foods...
A case of imagery gone real. All recipes are by Sara Papa and published on CUCINA MODERNA 11/2014 ( cover story ) At you'll find an interview and more infos are at

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